Go For Soda Guitar Pro

por Kim Mitchell
3889 vistas, añadido a favoritos 452 veces
All instruments and writers notes to assist learners. Edit: Added a second way to play part of the solo. Edit 2: So I heard the song the other day and noticed during the final chorus where i have the guitar playing on the top 4 strings, theres actually a lick behind it thats similar to the acoustic intro lick. Not sure if I will ever figure it out and update the tab.¿Te ha sido útil esta información?
Dificultad: intermedio
Afinación: E A D G B E
Tonalidad: F
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Formato de archivo: gp5
Tamaño del archivo: 37.0 kb
Instrumentos: rhythm guitar, lead guitar, bass and percussion
Autor meltfaces [a] 61.
1 total de colaboradores, última edición el 2 nov 2024


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