If I Had You Acordes

por Alabama
12.210 vistas, añadido a favoritos 301 veces
Dificultad: principiante absoluto
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor Unregistered. Última edición el 10 feb 2014




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#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 1995 11:56:45 +0200
From: Markus Brakweh <markusb@sybase.com> (markusb)
Subject: Some songs
Resent-to: ~riggv@ttacs.ttu.edu
To: G.Vaughn@ttacs.ttu.edu
MIME-version: 1.0
If I had you                    Mayo/Chater sung by Alabama
 D              G                        D
1. If I had you we'd run like gypsies    in the wind
2. If I had you we'd count the stars all one by one
3. If I had you we's sail the seven      seas as one
   G              D                   A            D
1. we'd be lovers and we'd be friends     if I had you
2. we'd make love till they were gone oh, if I had you
3. we'd never say it can't be done        if I had you
      G           A    D        E     G
Cause you light a fire way down in my soul
    G                  A        D          E      G   D
the flame keeps growin stronger there ain't no control
            G                   A
and there's nothing, no there's nothing
               D            E     D    G D E D A
I know there's nothing that I wouldn't do
if I had you
Ayudando a UG haces un mundo mejor... y ganas CI
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If I Had You – Alabama
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"If I Had You"