Why Lady Why Acordes

por Alabama
15.753 vistas, añadido a favoritos 1593 veces
Dificultad: principiante
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor nmc1234 [a] 804. Última edición el 13 feb 2014




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Why Lady Why                                                 Alabama
intro: C--Bm--C--Bm
               Em                                   G
Why lady why        can't I leave you alone
              Em                                    G
I try lady try       but the feelings too strong
                        C--Am                           G
You stay on my mind      I feel just like a fool
                Am                                     G
Why lady why                can't I get over you
Riff     (C--Bm--C--Bm)
Why lady why it was easy before
I try lady try but it ain't easy no more
to be on my way       would be the best thing to do
Why lady why can't I get over you
Riff     (C--Bm--C--Bm)
Why lady why can't I leave you alone
I try lady try but the feelings too strong
To be on my way       would be the best thing to do
Why lady why can't I get over you
Riff        (C--Bm--C--Bm)
Chords to verse
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Why Lady Why – Alabama
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"Why Lady Why"
5 comentarios
It sounds accurate enough for what I need it for but I never understood why the author of these tabs will go through all the work to create a tab and then NOT PUT THE CHORDS ON ANY OTHER VERSE BUT THE FIRST ONE! If we knew the song already we wouldn’t be here to get the in the first place. 😑😑😑 I’m not taking away from the tab at all. It’s put me in the right direction. Thanks for your interpretation!!
can anybody give me a shortcut to the intro single note lick /tab?