Im Not Perfect Just Forgiven Acordes

por Danny Parks and the Holy Ghost Throwdown
40 vistas, añadido a favoritos 0 veces
Based on the video at 115 bpm.¿Te ha sido útil esta información?
Dificultad: principiante
Afinación: E A D G B E
Tonalidad: A
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor Thudster [pro] 49.247. Última edición el 19 jun 2023




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[Verse 1]
A N.C.                    A7 N.C.   D
  Say broken promises can lead to a broken heart
A                                                E7
Lord, if that's true I've broke yours a thousand   times
        A         A7      D
And you always forgive me every time
      B7                                 E      E7 N.C.
Cause I may fall, but Lord, you know I'm tryin'
            D                            A
And I'm not perfect, you found out long ago
          D         B7            E    E7
Lord, I'm tryin' to let some things go
          D                               A      D
Well, I'm tryin' to start a better way of livin'
        A        E         A
I'm not perfect,   just forgiven
[Verse 2]
            A N.C.     A7 N.C.         D
Sometimes I wonder how you  could ever love me
     A                        E7
When I am such an undeservin'   soul
        A            A7        D
And I'm reminded how you think of me
        B7                                 E    E7 N.C.
Well, I need you Lord, can't make it on my own
            D                            A
And I'm not perfect, you found out long ago
          D         B7            E    E7
Lord, I'm tryin' to let some things go
          D                               A      D
Well, I'm tryin' to start a better way of livin'
        A        E         A     A7
I'm not perfect,   just forgiven
D      A
D  B7  E  E7
D      A  D
A  E   A  A7
            D                            A
And I'm not perfect, you found out long ago
          D         B7            E    E7
Lord, I'm tryin' to let some things go
          D                               A      D
Well, I'm tryin' to start a better way of livin'
        A        E         A     D
I'm not perfect,   just forgiven
        A        E N.C.    D N.C. Dsus4 A
I'm not perfect,   just forgiven
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Im Not Perfect Just Forgiven – Danny Parks and the Holy Ghost Throwdown
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"Im Not Perfect Just Forgi…"