Once In Our Lives Acordes
por Dante Ferrara22 vistas, añadido a favoritos 3 veces
Dificultad: | principiante |
Afinación: | E A D G B E |
Cejilla: | sin cejilla |
Autor birtesibylle [a] 53. Última edición el 27 ago 2022
Aún no existe un patrón de rasgueo para esta canción. Crear y obtén +5 IQ
Am F Dm E
Once in our lives let us drink to our wives
Am E Am
Though their numbers be but small
Am F Dm E
Heaven take the best and the devil take the rest
Am E Am
So we shall get rid of them all
Am F Dm E
To this hearty wish let each man take his dish
Am E Am
And drink drink till he falls
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Some chords don't align with the lyrics, which are also incorrect. Ask me, I'm Dante Ferrara!