The Chosen Few Tab

por Electric Wizard
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Autor Concat [a] 948. Última edición el 13 feb 2014
                       The Chosen Few - Electric Wizard
Important note:  Electric Wizard have two distinct songs, both named essentially the same thing.
"A Chosen Few" off of the album Let us Prey is a very different song than "The Chosen Few"
off of the album Witchcult Today.  This tab is for the latter, which I could not find
on the net so I tabbed it myself.
Tuning notes:  drop B
Album:  Witchcult Today
| /  slide up
| \  slide down
| h  hammer-on
| p  pull-off
| ~  vibrato
| b  bend
Riff 1:
Riff 2:
                                              Not really sure what's going on on this last note...
                                                Cant bend it quite right I guess...  or
I'm just out to lunch
Riff 3:
Riff 4:
There's a lot of distorted solos and other effects going on in background which makes it harder,
at least for me, to say this tab is accurate.  I didn't bother attempting to tab the solos at all,
sorry :)
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1 comentario
Sincerely, thanku for making it clear which song thsi is... saved me the 20 minutes of confusion before realizing