Birch Tree Acústica Acordes

por Foals
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Autor nextweek1 [a] 74. Última edición el 20 abr 2016
Tenemos una tablatura oficial de Birch Tree hecha por guitarristas profesionales de UG.
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Foals – Birch Tree
IMPORTANT: This is how i play the whole song in a acoustic guitar (whit chords)(standard tuning)
So here's a little explanation.. of why i use just two chords for the entire(?) song
   F#m                                        Bm
 (I know, this got other variants. But those two chord just repeat during the whole song, trust me)
F#m Bm x4
F#m             Bm
 The city I was born in
               F#m        Bm
 I left a long time ago
F#m       Bm
 We lost  touch
       F#m             Bm
 Grew apart my friend
F#m                     Bm
 My heart's an old pole dancer
          F#m                Bm
 Troubled romancer, you know
F#m            Bm
 It's a subway chancer
                 F#m       Bm
 A question with no answer
    F#m  Bm x2
       F#m                   Bm
         Come meet me by the river
                 F#m           Bm
         See how time it flows
       F#m                    Bm
         I'll meet you by the river
                 F#m           Bm
         See how time it flows
F#m          Bm
 And when we age
           F#m         Bm
 Shed our skin and grow
F#m          Bm
 We shed our layers
            F#m          Bm
 Spread our wings and go
F#m                      Bm
 My heart's an old black panther
           F#m                 Bm
 Corrupted financer, you know
F#m                Bm
 It's a troubled romancer
                 D        E   F#m~   ←←Just strum the
 A question with no answer              chord one time
       F#m                   Bm
         Come meet me by the river
                 F#m           Bm
         See how time it flows
       F#m                    Bm
         I'll meet you by the river
                 F#m           Bm
         See how time it flows
[Drumms bridge (N.C) beats 8 times]
(Chorus from Yannis)
F#m Bm x4
    F#m                   Bm
   (Oh, now the river runs away but I chase it)
    F#m                   Bm
   (Time holds no fear when I turn round to face it)
    F#m                   Bm
   (Oh, now the river runs away but I chase it)
    F#m                   Bm
   (Time holds no fear when I turn round to face it)
       F#m                   Bm
         Come meet me by the river
                 F#m           Bm
         See how time it flows
       F#m                    Bm
         I'll meet you by the river
                 F#m           Bm
         See how time it flows
    F#m                   Bm
   (Oh, now the river runs away but I chase it)
    F#m                   Bm
   (Time holds no fear when I turn round to face it)
    F#m                   Bm
   (Oh, now the river runs away but I chase it)
    F#m                   Bm
   (Time holds no fear when I turn round to face it)
F#m Bm x4
So thats all, i preffer make an arpeggio in the "outro". I hope u enjoy this like me
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