Say Goodbye Acordes

por Green Day
32.563 vistas, añadido a favoritos 569 veces
Dificultad: intermedio
Afinación: E A D G B E
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor laniezarthur [a] 594.
2 total de colaboradores, última edición el 11 jun 2017
Tenemos una tablatura oficial de Say Goodbye hecha por guitarristas profesionales de UG.
Consulta la tablatura




Aún no existe un patrón de rasgueo para esta canción. Crear y obtén +5 IQ
Tab by laniezarthur
Say Goodbye from Revolution Radio (available on October 7th 2016)
Tuning: Standard
Key: Fm
Youtube cover :
As usual I give you the full chords for those who would like to play an acoustc version
but you have to play them as power chords (the EAD or xADG strings) to have a Green Day sound
All of your suggestions are welcome !
Enjoy !
Chords :
Fm : 133xxx or x8 10 10xx
G# : 466xxx
Eb : x688xx
Db : x466xx
Bb : x133xx or 688xxx
B : x244xx or 799xxx
C : x355xx
[INTRO] w/ distorsion
G# Fm
   Say goodbye to the ones that we love
G# Fm
   Say goodbye to the ones we love
Eb Fm
   Say goodbye to the ones that we love
   Goodbye to the ones that we love
Fm      G#         Eb           Fm
Say goodbye to the ones that we love
Fm      G#         Eb      Fm
Say goodbye to the ones we love
Fm      G#         Eb           Fm
Say goodbye to the ones that we love
        G#         Eb          Fm
Say goodbye to the ones that we love
G#              C
Violence on the rise
       Fm               Eb
Like a bullet in the sky
Db           G#          Eb   G#
Oh Lord have mercy on my soul
Db              G#
Kindred Spirits sing
       C             Fm  Eb
On the sick and suffering
Db       G#            C
The city on damage control
C    Bb Eb  G#
This is how we
Fm       G#    Fm  G#
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Fm       Eb C  G#
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Fm                              G#
Sing hello to the cops on patrol
Fm                              Eb
Sing hello to the cops on patrol
Sing hello to the cops on patrol
    G#                 Eb      Fm
Say hello, they're the ones in control
G#                  C
Teach your children well
         Fm                Eb
From the bottom of the well
Db           G#          Eb   G#
Oh Lord have mercy on my soul
Db                G#
Hear the children sing
        C             Fm  Eb
For the sick and suffering
Db       G#        C
The city on damage control
C    Bb Eb  G#
This is how we
Fm       G#    Fm  G#
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Fm       Eb C  Eb
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Fm       B  G# Fm  Eb F
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Fm G# Eb Bb G#
Fm G# Eb Bb
G#              C
Violence on the rise
       Fm               Eb
Like a bullet in the sky
Db           G#          Eb   G#
Oh Lord have mercy on my soul
Db              G#
Kindred Spirits sing
       C             Fm  Eb
For the sick and suffering
Db       G#            C
The city on damage control
C    Bb Eb  G#
This is how we
Fm                                       G#
Say your prayer for the ones that we love
Fm                                  G#
Say your prayer for the ones we love
Say your prayer for the ones that we love
G#      Fm                          G#
Say goodbye to the ones that we love
C    Bb Eb  G#
This is how we
Fm                                       G#
Say your prayer for the ones that we love
Fm                                       G#
Say your prayer for the ones that we love
Fm                                       Eb
Say your prayer for the ones that we love
Say goodbye to the ones that we love (this is how we)
Fm   G# Bb
Fm   B  G#
Fm   G# Bb
Fm B G# Bb
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Say Goodbye – Green Day
How to play
"Say Goodbye"