From Here To There To You Acordes
por Hank Locklin343 vistas, añadido a favoritos 14 veces
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G D7 G C G
From here to there to you my letter is on its way
C G A7 D7
To tell you how I miss you ever since you sailed away
G D7 G C G
To tell you things are not the same when I'm so far from you
C G D7 G
I'm sending all my love from here to there to you
D7 G C G
From here to there to you and it's oh so far away
A7 D7
Across this little painted map from here to there to you
G D7 G C G
I wish that I could go myself across this ocean of blue
C G D7 G
Along with my love letter from here to there to you
D7 G C G
From here to there to you my letter is on its way
C G A7 D7
To tell you how I miss you ever since you sailed away
G D7 G C G
To tell you things are not the same when I'm so far from you
C G D7 G
I'm sending all my love from here to there to you
From Here To There To You – Hank Locklin
How to play
"From Here To There To You"