Dirt Road Anthem Tab

por Jason Aldean
56.125 vistas, añadido a favoritos 569 veces
Cejilla: Traste 2
Autor hulanic [a] 634. Última edición el 13 feb 2014
Tenemos una tablatura oficial de Dirt Road Anthem hecha por guitarristas profesionales de UG.
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Throughout the song the chords definatly sound better with capo on 2 and the chords
being Am C F C.
Im just tabbing out the guitar in the background during the rap parts.
the tabs are in relation to the capo on 2
First Verse do this 2x
Second verse is a little different
any corrections email me at hulanic@gmail.com
Ayudando a UG haces un mundo mejor... y ganas CI
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Dirt Road Anthem – Jason Aldean
How to play
"Dirt Road Anthem"