Im Not That Good At Goodbye Acordes

por John Conlee
73 vistas, añadido a favoritos 13 veces
Dificultad: principiante
Afinación: E A D G B E
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor suzanebraun [a] 2720. Última edición el 19 may 2021




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I'm Not That Good At Goodbye
Recorded by Jean Shepard
Written by Bob McDill and Don Williams
G                       C             G
I don't want to talk it over one more time
                                          D7           G
There's not much use in talking if you've made up your mind
                    C                G  D7 C
And darling I don't have to tell you w--h--y
              G            D7          G
You know that I'm not that good at goodbye
C    G                     C         G
Lord goodbye just makes it harder anyhow
C         G                              D7
So if you really feel like leaving do it now
G                 C            G  D7  C
And let me keep a little of my pr--i--de
              G            D7          G
You know that I'm not that good at goodbye
                            C                G
I don't want to know you're leaving when you go
                                        D7              G
Cause if we reach the part where you're standing at the door
                     C                    G  D7 C
Well I know I'd just break right down and c--r--y
              G            D7          G
You know that I'm not that good at goodbye
C    G                     C         G
Lord goodbye just makes it harder anyhow
C         G                              D7
So if you really feel like leaving do it now
G                 C            G  D7  C
And let me keep a little of my pr--i--de
              G            D7          G
You know that I'm not that good at goodbye
C    G                     C         G
Lord goodbye just makes it harder anyhow
C         G                              D7
So if you really feel like leaving do it now
G                 C            G  D7  C
And let me keep a little of my pr--i--de
              G            D7          G
You know that I'm not that good at goodbye
C             G            D7          G
You know that I'm not that good at goodbye
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