I Still Miss Someone Acordes

por Johnny Cash
187.594 vistas, añadido a favoritos 7473 veces
Dificultad: principiante absoluto
Afinación: E A D G B E
Cejilla: Traste 3
Autor rediabo [a] 61.
4 total de colaboradores, última edición el 21 may 2021
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I Still Miss Someone
(J.R. Cash, R. Cash, Jr.)
Capo 3rd fret
      G        C          D
At my door the leaves are falling
    C         D         G
The cold wild wind will come
G                C   D
Sweethearts walk by together
    C       D        G
And I still miss someone
G        C    D
I go out on a party
  C            D      G
And look for a little fun
    G        C        D
But I find a darkened corner
       C       D        G
'Cause I still miss someone
      C         D          G
No, I never got over those blue eyes
C          D    G
I see them everywhere
C            D         G
I miss those arms that held me
     C       D        G
When all the love was there
 G       C        D
I wonder if she's sorry
C           D         G
For leavin' what we'd begun
        G       C      D
There's someone for me somewhere
    C       D        G
And I still miss someone
[Piano Solo]
G  C  D   C  D  G
G  C  D   C  D  G
    C           D          G
No, I never got over those blue eyes
C     D    G
I see them everywhere
C            D         G
I miss those arms that held me
     C       D        G
When all the love was there
 G       C        D
I wonder if she's sorry
C           D         G
For leavin' what we'd begun
        G       C      D
There's someone for me somewhere
    C       D        G
And I still miss someone
C  D  G
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I Still Miss Someone – Johnny Cash
How to play
"I Still Miss Someone"