Bitter Blue Acordes

por Kind of Blue
481 vistas, añadido a favoritos 9 veces
Dificultad: intermedio
Afinación: E A D G B E
Tonalidad: Cm
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor ninelima [tm] 45.396.
1 total de colaboradores, última edición el 6 nov 2018




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Kind Of Blue - Bitter Blue
[Verse 1]
Cm                 Abmaj7          Bb               Eb
I am the beach and you're the sea, waves are coming over me
Cm                Abmaj7
Cars are crashing no one stops
Bb                   Eb
Life's a rainbow but not on top
Cm                Abmaj7
I am the beat and its for sure
Bb                 Eb
Love is returning, need for more
    Abmaj7    Bb               Cm
And while I'm walking right on through
    Ab                   Bb           Cm   C7
The whole world's turning into bitter blue
                 Fm                  Bb
And now that you know that life goes on
             Eb             Ab
Now that you know my body's gone
              Fm           Bb              C
Take one more step and see I don't take it back
                 Fm             Bb
And now that you know that I'm alive
             Cm         Bb   Ab
Now that you know we're all alike
                 Bb                   Cm
Now that you know, you're like bitter blue
[Verse 2]
                   Abmaj7        Bb               Eb
I am dead beat and you're taken, I'm still moving in too deep
Cm                  Abmaj7        Bb                  Eb
One for me, now the rest for you, I'm still counting, passing two
    Abmaj7    Bb               C
And while I'm walking right on through
    Ab                   Bb           Cm  C7
The whole world's turning into bitter blue
                 Fm                  Bb
And now that you know that life goes on
             Eb             Ab
Now that you know my body's gone
              Fm           Bb              C
Take one more step and see I don't take it back
                 Fm             Bb
And now that you know that I'm alive
             Cm         Bb   Ab
Now that you know we're all alike
                 Bb                   Cm
Now that you know, you're like bitter blue
| Cm | Abmaj7 | Bb | Eb |
| Cm | Abmaj7 | Bb | Cm |
    Abmaj7    Bb               Cm
And while I'm walking right on through
    Ab                   Bb           Cm   C7
The whole world's turning into bitter blue
                 Fm                  Bb
And now that you know that life goes on
             Eb             Ab
Now that you know my body's gone
              Fm           Bb              C
Take one more step and see I don't take it back
                 Fm             Bb
And now that you know that I'm alive
             Cm         Bb   Ab
Now that you know we're all alike
                 Bb                   Cm
Now that you know, you're like bitter blue
    Ab                   Bb           Cm
The whole world's turning into bitter blue
    Ab                   Bb           Cm
The whole world's turning into bitter blue
    Ab                   Bb           Cm
The whole world's turning into bitter blue
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Bitter Blue – Kind of Blue
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"Bitter Blue"