Home Again Guitar Pro
por Michael Kiwanuka9296 vistas, añadido a favoritos 932 veces
Dificultad: | intermedio |
Afinación: | E A D G B E |
Cejilla: | sin cejilla |
Formato de archivo: | gp5 |
Tamaño del archivo: | 8.5 kb |
Instrumentos: | rhythm guitar |
Autor Blad3runner [a] 154. Última edición el 18 feb 2014
Get access to Pro version of "Home Again"!
Ultimate Guitar Pro is a premium guitar tab service, available on PC, Mac, iOS and Android
2 comentarios
Tabs are not visible on the left side...
Well im not sure what program you are playing this tab through info738 but i have guitar pro 5.2 and also guitar pro 6 and in both programs the tab is visible on both sides