Preaching The Cross Acordes
por Misc Praise Songs196 vistas, añadido a favoritos 5 veces
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G Bm F#m Em7 A7
[Verse 1]
GM7 F#m7 Bm7
I'm the lowest of the low, wretched sinner I am
GM7 A7 D F#
So unworthy, but you called me
GM7 F#m7 Bm7
With my faith and hope in you, I will not be ashamed
Em7 F#m7 Bm
You have called me to, preach the cross
[Verse 2]
GM7 F#m7 Bm7
Where you send me I will go, if it’s for you my Lord
N.C GM7 A7 D F#
For I will always, proclaim the cross
Till the fragrance of your blood
F#m7 Bm7
Covers all of the earth
Em7 F#m7 Bm D7 A
I will preach, I will, bear the cross
G A Bm7 F#m7
If I live I live for you, if I die I die for you
Em7 A7 DM7
I belong to you, in life or death
F# G A Bm7 F#m7
By the power of the cross, by the hope of the cross
Em7 A7
Jesus Christ alone, will live in me
A GM7 F#m Bm
My love for you, is the cross
Preaching The Cross – Misc Praise Songs
How to play
"Preaching The Cross"
1 comentario
This Christian song is popular in Korea (i believe the lyrics were originally korean but I could not find any recording of it in that language, they are all korean speaking English:)