All The Young Dudes Acordes

por Mott The Hoople
2791 vistas, añadido a favoritos 37 veces
My version shows the descending bass line, e.g., it shows D to D/C# instead of D to Dmaj7. Of course, Dmaj7 has the C# note, but it's not played as the bass, it's played in the treble. Also, my version is more accurate with regard to placement of the chords, or at least I think it is. The existing versions are more approximate. Finally, my version makes it easier to memorize the chord structure since it presents all the similar lines in one section and can be printed out on one page if someone wants to carry it along or put it on a music stand. ¿Te ha sido útil esta información?
Dificultad: intermedio
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor bookstorecowboy [a] 349. Última edición el 30 jun 2014
Tenemos una tablatura oficial de All The Young Dudes hecha por guitarristas profesionales de UG.
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This interpretation attempts to preserve the descending bass line that gives this song its drive.
I "stacked" the lyrics with numbered lines so that the similarity in chord structure of the parts is
easier to memorize, like traditional sheet music.
All the Young Dudes
                  D                                                D/C#
1.   Billy      rapped all night about his          suicide,
2.   And      Wendy's stealing clothes from   Mark's & Sparks and
3.               Lucy's looking sweet, ?cos he      dresses like a queen,
4.  And my  brother's back at home with his Beatles and his Stones
                      Bm                                             D/A
1. How he'd kick it in the head when he was twenty-five
2.                   Freddy's got spots from             ripping off the stars from his
3. But he can kick like a mule, its                 a real mean team, but
4. We             never got it off on that               revolution stuff
     F#m                                                  A                   Asus4  A
1.  Speed jive, don't wanna stay alive   when you're  twenty-five [to beginning of #2] 
2.  Face - a funky little                           boat race [to pre-chorus 2]
3.  We can love, oh yes, we can love [to beginning of #4]
4.  What a drag - too many                      snags [to pre-chorus 4]
             Em                                        Em7
2.   The television man is                   crazy
4.    Well I drunk a lotta wine and I'm feelin' fine
                          F#                          Bm
 2.  sayin' we're juvenile delinquent wrecks
 4.  Gonna        race some cat to     bed
                 G                    D                           A       Asus4  A
 2.  Oooh, man, I need a TV when I've got  T. Rex
 4.  Is that concrete all around or is it in my head?
2. Oh brother, ya guessed ? I'm a dude yeah!
4.  Yeah, I'm a dude yeah!
D      D/C#              Bm
         All the young dudes 
D/A        Am
Carry the news 
Am7/G      F
Boogaloo dudes 
C             G       C  A  D
Carry the news
[Continue chorus as long as desired, improvising comments about dudes in between sung lines]
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All The Young Dudes – Mott The Hoople
How to play
"All The Young Dudes"
2 comentarios
Well I’ll be damned- it is D/C#. For years I played DMaj7. My world had been torn upside down dude.