I Dont Love You Guitar Pro

por My Chemical Romance
15.274 vistas, añadido a favoritos 39 veces
Afinación: E A D G B E
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Formato de archivo: gp5
Tamaño del archivo: 36.7 kb
Instrumentos: rhythm guitar, lead guitar, bass, percussion and others
Autor kaystreet [a] 149. Última edición el 18 feb 2014


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9 comentarios
This is not good some of the parts are going fast( i'm mean it goes 2 times and not 1) and with the part "WHEEERE'D YOU GO AND WOULD YOU EVEN TURN TO STAY! that's a wrong note i'm sorry this is not so good
Snowblind 911
hey can u pleeeeeaaassseee resubmit this in guitar pro format if u dont know how click file, export, then as .gp4 pleaseeee thanks in advance.
Snowblind 911
i mean guitar pro 4 format