Jesus Doesnt Want Me For A Sunbeam Intro Tab

por Nirvana
111.145 vistas, añadido a favoritos 1134 veces
Dificultad: principiante
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor theguitargod24 [a] 46.
1 total de colaboradores, última edición el 8 sept 2016
Tenemos una tablatura oficial de Jesus Doesnt Want Me For A Sunbeam hecha por guitarristas profesionales de UG.
Consulta la tablatura
E     022100
D     x00232
A     x02220
Asus4 x02230
D|---------------|---------------|----------|----------|   (x2)
   E               D               A   Asus4  A 
E             D             A      Asus4 A
Jesus doesn't want me for a sunbeam
      E            D               A    Asus4 A
Cause sunbeams are never made like me
E                  D                A           Asus4  A
Don't expect me to cry, for all the reasons you had to die
E          D                A   Asus4 A
Don't ever ask your love of me
E                  D    E                  D
Don't expect me to cry, don't expect me to lie
E                  D       A    Asus4 A
Don't expect me to die for thee
[Repeat Verse and Chorus]
[Repeat Intro]
[Repeat Chorus]
[Repeat Verse]
E                  D    E                  D    E                  D
Don't expect me to cry, don't expect me to lie, don't expect me to die
E                  D    E                  D
Don't expect me to cry, don't expect me to lie
E                  D       A    Asus4 A
Don't expect me to die for thee
   E           D           A                 E           D          A
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Jesus Doesnt Want Me For A Sunbeam – Nirvana
How to play
"Jesus Doesnt Want Me For…"
5 comentarios
Prefer this riff: e|-0--0--4--2--0-|-------0-------|-----------|----------| B|---------------|-3--3-----3--2-|-------3-2-|----------| G|---------------|---------------|-2--2------|-2--2-----| D|---------------|---------------|-----------|----------| A|---------------|---------------|-----------|----------| E|---------------|---------------|-----------|----------| and the final: e|-0-0-4-2-0-|-----0-----|---------|-------|-0-0-4-2-0-|-----0----|-5-5-----|------| B|-----------|-3-3---3-2-|-----3-2-|-------|-----------|-3-3---3-2|-----3--2|------| G|-----------|-----------|-2-2-----|-2--2--|-----------|----------|---------|-2----| i agree whit the chords
perfection. very well written too! this is how tabs should be made
shoes and socks
great tab,the very final note played sounds like it is fret 2 on the B string instead of the G string.