The Pills Of White Mercury Acordes

por Old Blind Dogs
595 vistas, añadido a favoritos 29 veces
Dificultad: principiante absoluto
Afinación: E A D G B E
Tonalidad: D
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor hannasong2000 [a] 290.
1 total de colaboradores, última edición el 28 jul 2021




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[Verse 1]
   A          D                         E
As I was a-walking by the banks o' the Ugie
 A             D                             E
Come, my dear friends, and this story I'll relate
    A           D                             E
I spied a dear comrade all dressed in white flannel
  A                D          E             A
Dressed in white flannel and cruel was his fate
[Verse 2]
          A          D                          E
Oh the mercury was beating, the limestone was reeking
      A             D                   E
His tongue all in flames hung over his chin
   A            D                       E
A hole in his bosom, his teeth were a-closing
     A           D           E            A
Bad luck to the girlie that gied him the glim
     A           D                              E
And had she but told me, oh when she dishonored me
 A           D                E
Had she but told me of it in time
    A              D                             E
I might have been cured by those pills of white mercury
 A          D            E          A
Now I'm a young man cut down in my prime
[Verse 3]
    A             D                            E
My parents, they warned me and oft times they chided
 A                D                            E
With those young flash girls do not sport and play
A        D                      E
I never listened, no, I never heeded
   A            D        E          A
I just carried on in my own wicked way
     A           D                              E
And had she but told me, oh when she dishonored me
 A           D                E
Had she but told me of it in time
    A              D                             E
I might have been cured by those pills of white mercury
 A          D            E          A
Now I'm a young man cut down in my prime
[Verse 4]
      A            D                           E
It's down on the corner two flash girls were talking
 A           D                    E
One to the other did whisper and say
        A              D                     E
"There goes that young man who once was so jolly
A            D            E          A
Now for his sins his poor body must pay"
     A           D                              E
And had she but told me, oh when she dishonored me
 A           D                E
Had she but told me of it in time
    A              D                             E
I might have been cured by those pills of white mercury
 A          D            E          A
Now I'm a young man cut down in my prime
[Verse 5]
    A             D                    E
Oh doctor, dear doctor, before your departure
 A              D                  E
Take all these bottles of mercury away
 A             D                       E
Send for the minister to say a prayer over me
 A           D           E           A
So they can lay my poor body in the clay
[Verse 6]
     A           D                     E
Now get you six fellows to carry my coffin
 A          D                        E
Six pretty fair maids to bear up my pall
 A            D                         E
Give each of them there a bunch of red roses
 A             D               E            A
When they pass by me, they'll not know the smell
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The Pills Of White Mercury – Old Blind Dogs
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"The Pills Of White Mercur…"