Immortality Acordes

por Pearl Jam
276.295 vistas, añadido a favoritos 10.267 veces
Dificultad: intermedio
Afinación: E A D G B E
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor jtp88 [a] 122.
5 total de colaboradores, última edición el 10 ene 2020
Tenemos una tablatura oficial de Immortality hecha por guitarristas profesionales de UG.
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Cadd9 Em Cadd9 Em (x2)
Em   Dsus2   (x4)
[Verse 1]
Em            Dsus2
Vacate is the word
Em               Dsus2
Vengeance has no place so near to her
Em              Dsus2           Em     Dsus2
Cannot find the comfort in this world
Em         Dsus2
Artificial tear
Em              Dsus2
Vessel stabbed, next up, volunteers
Em          Dsus2          Em     Dsus2
Vulnerable, wisdom can't adhere
[Bridge 1]
  C            Em
A truant finds home
      C            Em
And a wish to hold on
              C           Em  A     Asus4  A  Am9  A
But there's a trapdoor in the sun
[Interlude 1]
Em   D/F#   (x4)
[Verse 2]
   Em              Dsus2
As privileged as a whore
Em           Dsus2
Victims in demand for public show
Em                    Dsus2              Em      Dsus2
Swept out through the cracks beneath the door
Em          Dsus2
Holier than thou, how
Em              Dsus2
Surrendered, executed, anyhow
Em                Dsus2            Em     Dsus2
Scrawl dissolved, cigar box on the floor
[Bridge 2]
  C            Em
A truant finds home
      C            Em
And a wish to hold on
              C           Em  A     Asus4  A  Am9  A
But there's a trapdoor in the sun
[Interlude 2]
Em   Dsus2  (x8)
Em   C      (x8)
[Verse 3]
Em              Dsus2
Cannot stop the thought
   Em             Dsus2
Of running in the door
Em           Dsus2
Comming up a which way sign
Em               Dsus2
All good truants must decide
[Bridge 3]
   C                 Em
Oh stripped and sold mom
C             Em
Auctioned forearm
    C           Em  A
And whiskers in the sink
C            Em
Truants move on
C           Em
Cannot stay long
C             Em A
Some die just to live
Ayudando a UG haces un mundo mejor... y ganas CI
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Immortality – Pearl Jam
How to play
10 comentarios
missed a verse the buddy
Dsus2 should be a Dsus2/F#. You can clearly hear the base go to F# in the recording and it sounds a lot better, especially when you play the base note on 1 and the rest of the chord starting on the upbeat of 1. In the third verse the Em should be a Em7. He's singing the 7 in the melody and if you don't enforce that harmony with the chords it can sound a bit muddy.
Nice Tab but the A should be Asus4. Good Job!!