Broken Promises Ukulele

por Philip Selway
69 vistas, añadido a favoritos 0 veces
Dificultad: principiante
Afinación: G C E A
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor Unregistered. Última edición el 11 feb 2014




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A nice little song about Family. Its in drop D, but you can play it in standard.
All chords shapes are for drop d:
D     000232 or D5 000235
G     55540x
G/F#  45520x
Em    222000
A     x02220
Bm    x24432
Where a chord is in brackets, it is implied by a couple of open strings, usually B
and G. It can be missed, but it makes it a bit more interesting.
D   G  G/F#   Em               A
In time       I'll return once more
D   G   G/F#     Em             A     (G)
To find the house where I was born
Bm              A      Bm      G        A               D
There you took a photograph of me and my sisters back then
Bm              A      Bm
To celebrate the lies that you made
G            A              Bm
You held us and hoped that you'd find
G             A          D
Peace for the very first time
Verse (as before)
D   G   G/F#     Em         A
One day         I'll begin again
D   G   G/F#     Em             A     (G)
And you'll start a chance to make a mends
Chorus (as before)
For all the broken promises
And dreams that i never fulfilled
I celebrate the lives that you made
Look on my face and you'll find
Peace for the very first time
Once the hurt has faded
Once the hurt has faded
Once the hurt has faded
A         G            D
Only the love will remain
Chorus (as before)
All the broken promises
And dreams that are never fulfilled
Lets celebrate the lives that you made
Go to a place where you'll find
Peace for the very first time
Ayudando a UG haces un mundo mejor... y ganas CI
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Broken Promises – Philip Selway
How to play
"Broken Promises"