Falling Down Blues Ukulele

por Ramblin' Jack Elliott
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Autor Unregistered. Última edición el 11 feb 2014




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[E7] Got the blues so bad it hurts my feet to walk
[D7] Got the blues so bad it hurts my feet to [E7] walk
[E7] Wouldn't hate it so bad but it [D7] hurts my tongue to [E7] talk
Oh, I feel like jumping through a key hole in your door
Oh, I feel like jumping through a key hole in your door
I could jump so easy your man will never know
Some people say the wary blues ain't tough
Some people say the wary blues ain't tough
but if they don't kill you they will handle you mighty rough
He took my boggy settled up my black mail
He took my boggy settled up my black mail
Gonna find my woman, gonna go somewhere
She caught the rambling I caught the falling down
She caught the rambling I caught the falling down
But I'll never see her never turn around
Got the blues so bad it hurts my feet to walk
Got the blues so bad it hurts my feet to walk
Wouldn't hate it so bad but it hurts my tongue to talk
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Falling Down Blues – Ramblin' Jack Elliott
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"Falling Down Blues"