All Good Girls Go To Heaven Acordes

por Scott Grove
94 vistas, añadido a favoritos 2 veces
Dificultad: principiante absoluto
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor lvjjm411 [a] 248. Última edición el 26 abr 2016




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All good girls go to Heaven
Kathie laid her head on the pillow
      C                  D        G
Doc Baker then asked me to step outside
      C                          G
Said 6 yrs old and she won't see 7
          C             D          G
Was the first time I saw my daddy cry
     C               D                  G
I turned and walked back through the doorway
        C                D        G
Knelt down and laid my hand on Kathie's Head
    C                      D          G
I told her what the good lord had promised
       C                    D                      G
As a tear rolled down her cheeks she smilled and said
     C              D            G
Do all good girls really go to heaven
   C                     D        G
Will the angels sing to me like you do
        C               D           G     Em
And if all good girls really go to Hea---ven
   C               D               G
Then I'll save a place there just for you
  G                           G
You know me and Gramma sure miss you
  C            D             G
Grampa went to be with you last fall
I still have the picture you drew me
    C          D          G
Hanging by my bed on the wall
  G          D             G
Every cloud has a silver lining
    C                  D             G
I look for yours each time a storm clears
Rainbows touch the clouds you lie on
          C          D                    G
And the april rain taste just like your tears
 Em                D           G
Time will come for us to be together
    Em                D          G
I close my eyes and think about that day
  C               D      G        C
Then you came to me.... In a... Dream
      C                      D
Held me tight and said its okay...
  C                      D            G
Because all good girls really go to heaven
     C                   D           G
And the angels sing but not the way you do
     C               D                  G     Em
Its all good girls really go  to...... hea...ven
    C                D                  G
And I have saved a place here just for you
   C             D                     G    Em
All good girls 
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