The Shadow Acordes
por Shawn James8320 vistas, añadido a favoritos 300 veces
First Version of The Shadow You can transpose 3 and add capo to make the chords easier.¿Te ha sido útil esta información?
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Gm Bb A G#
Gm Bb A G#
Gm Bb A G#
Gm Bb A G#
[Verse 1]
Gm Bb A G#
There I was just mindin' my own business
Gm Bb A G#
When I saw a shadow out the corner of my eye
Gm Bb A G#
I'd seen that shadow once before, in my life
Gm Bb A G#
Well, it was the day my Father died
Gm Bb A G#
So I turned and I fled, but that shadow gave chase
Gm Bb A G#
Caught me down a dead end way
Gm Bb A G#
To my surprise when he opened his mouth
Gm Bb A Gm
Well, I could hear my Father say
A Bb Fm
He said, "Son, I know just where you've been, yeah
Bb G# Gm
and I know just how you'll meet your end.
A Fm Bb
You better turn from the path that you're on
G# Gm
lest you end up just like your old man.
G# Gm Bb
HOLD UP, WAIT A MINUTE there man! Like...
A G#
Did you forget who you were?
Gm Bb A
You used to beat my mother down.
G# Gm Bb A G#
Well, she left your sorry ass, because you wouldn't choose
[Verse 2]
Gm Bb Gm
your wife and son over your booze.
A Bb A Fm Bb G# Gm
Now, I ain't a damn thing, like the man you USED to be.
A Fm Bb
You better go back to where you belong, ohh
G# Gm
and maybe then you'll begin to see
Bb A G# Gm Bb A G#
Gm A G# Bb Gm
[Fade out]
1 comentario
Play Em with you first two fingers. Then play the second chord keeping those fingers there and putting your other two on the third frets of the 1st and 2nd strings.
And foe the other two chords remove you pinky finger