Margaret In Captivity Acordes

por The Decemberists
85 vistas, añadido a favoritos 2 veces
Open chords easy to play and sounds best using a 12 stringed guitar.¿Te ha sido útil esta información?
Dificultad: principiante
Afinación: E A D G B E
Tonalidad: C
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor EndlessSeason [pro] 173. Última edición el 25 oct 2021




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Dm   D   Dm   G
[Verse 1]
D                               Dm          G    D
I have snipped your wingspan my precious captive swan
D                             Dm          G          D
Here all clipped of kickstand your spirit won't last long
D                        Dm        G        D
Don't you lift a finger, don't you snap and jaw
D                   Dm        G       D       Dm
Limber limbs akimbo rest till rubbing raw
F                                 D
O my own true love, o my own true love
F                                     Dm
Can you hear me love, can you hear me love?
[Verse 2]
D                         Dm       G         D
Don't hold out for rescue none can hear your call
D                                   Dm         G        D      Dm
Till I have wrest and wrecked you behind these fortress walls
F                                 Dm    D
O my own true love, o my own true love
F                                     Dm    D
Can you hear me love, can you hear me love?
F   Dm  F   Dm
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Margaret In Captivity – The Decemberists
How to play
"Margaret In Captivity"