Rockin Down The Highway Acordes

por The Doobie Brothers
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Rockin' Down The Highway - Doobie Brothers (Tom Johnston, 1972)
Chorded By: Skidaddy, Esq., G.Q.
4/4 TIME @ 144 BPM (3 Min. 51 Sec.) in 'A'.
Chords Used:
              GUITAR                KEYS
         E  A  D  G  B  e    Bass|    Chord
        ------------------   ------------------
A     -  x  0  2  2  2  0     A    A-C#-E
G     -  3  2  0  0  3  3     G    G-B-D
D     -  x  5  7  7  7  5     D    A-D-F#
F     -  1  3  3  2  1  1     F    A-C-F
Bb    -  x  1  3  3  3  1     Bb   Bb-D-F
E     -  0  2  2  1  0  0     E    G#-B-E
Gs4   -  3  3  0  0  3  3     G    G-C-D
F#m7  -  2  4  2  2  2  2     F#   A-C#-E-F#
C#m7  -  x  4  6  4  5  4     C#   G#-B-C#-E
Bm7   -  x  2  4  2  3  2     B    B-D-F#-A
E13   -  0  2  0  1  2  0     E    G#-B-C#-D-E
A5    -  x  x  7  9  x  x     A    A-E
G5    -  x  x  5  7  x  x     G    G-D
F#5   -  x  x  4  6  x  x     F#   F#-C#
E5    -  x  x  2  4  x  x     E    E-B
D5    -  x  x  0  2  x  x     D    A-D
INTRO: [8 M]
 1 2 3 4  1 2+3 4  1 2 3 4  1+2 3 4  1 2 3 4
|A       |A  G  D |D A     |…D  A   |A       |
 1 2+3 4  1 2 3 4  1 2 3 4
|A  G  D |D A     |NC            |
                         Got them
VERSE #1: [16 M]
|A                          |A                          |
 high-way… blues…  can't you hear my mo-tor run-nin',…
|D                           A |…                   D |
 fly-in' down the road… with my foot on… the floor…
|A                            |A                    |
 All the way in town… they can hear… me a-com-in'…
|D                          A    |…               |F               |
 Ford's a-bout to drop… she won't do no… more…          And I smell…
|F                  Bb   |F                             |F       |
… my mo-tor burn-in'… un-… der-neath the hood… is smoke,…      
|E                         |E           |
 can't… stop,…  and I can't…  stop…
|G                           |G     Gs4    G   |
 got to keep… mov-in' or I'll lose my… mind…
CHORUS #1: [21 M]
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |A       |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |A       |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |A       |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|NC      |NC      |NC      |NC      |NC      |
VERSE #2: [16 M] 'Guitar Solo' -
|A       |A       |D      A|…     D |A       |A       |D      A|…       |
|F       |F     Bb|F       |F       |E       |E       |G       |G Gs4 G |
CHORUS #2: [21 M]
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |A       |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |A       |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |A       |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|NC      |NC      |NC      |NC      |NC        |
VERSE #3: [16 M]
|A                             |A           |
 high-way pa-trol… got his eyes…  on… me…  I
|D                              A |…             D   |
 know what he's think-… in' and it… ain't good…   I'm
|A                            |A             |
 mov-in' by fast… he can bare-… ly see… me…
|D                       A   |…              |F            |
 Gon-na lose that man… I know… I… should…          I got-ta
|F                   Bb     |F                         |F        |
 kick in… my ped-al, make my Ford… move a lit-tle fast-… er…     
|E                         |E          |
 can't… stop,…  and I can't…  stop…
|G                           |G     Gs4    G   |
 got to keep… mov-in' or I'll lose my… mind…
CHORUS #3: [16 M]
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |A       |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |A       |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |A       |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |A       |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|F#m7  C#m7    Bm7|…       |F#m7  C#m7    Bm7|…       |
|F#m7  C#m7    Bm7|…       |E13     |E13     |
CHORUS #3: [15 M]
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |A       |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |A       |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |A       |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
|A        |A  G          D       |D      A        |
 Oh,…         rock-… in' down the high-… way…
CODA: [1.125 M]
 1  +  2  +  3  +  4  +
|A5 G5    F#5   E5    D5 |A!
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Rockin Down The Highway – The Doobie Brothers
How to play
"Rockin Down The Highway"
6 comentarios
Great effort. simple boogie song that's fun to play. Thanks for adding the bits that, apparently, some need to have fully spelled out for them and still don't get it. 5 stars for you mate.
Thanks mate, take from here
Great job!