Parcel Of Rogues Acordes

por The Dubliners
7026 vistas, añadido a favoritos 154 veces
Dificultad: principiante
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor anyinstrument [a] 64. Última edición el 13 abr 2023




Aún no existe un patrón de rasgueo para esta canción. Crear y obtén +5 IQ
I have been looking for a version of this song as sung by Luke Kelly, and could
not find it. So I figured it out, it sounds right to me. But open for any suggestions to it.
     F                  C
Farewell to all our Scottish ways
F             G      F   C
Farewell our ancient glory
F                         C
Farewell even to our  Scottish name
F             G     F   C
So famed in martial story
C              F       C      G
Now Sark runs over the Solway Firth
    F      G          C  F
And Tweed runs to the Ocean.
    C    G    F        C         F
To mark where Englands province stands
      C         G           F    C
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation
What force or guile could not subdue
Through many warlike ages
Is wrought now by cowards few
For hiring traitor's wages
The English steel we could disdain
Secure in Valor's station
But we`re bought and we`re sold for English gold
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation
O would or I had seen the day
That treason thus could sell us
My auld grey head had lyed in clay
With Bruce and loyal Wallace
But pith and power to my last hour
I'll make this declaration
That we're bought and sold for English gold
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation.
Ayudando a UG haces un mundo mejor... y ganas CI
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Parcel Of Rogues – The Dubliners
How to play
"Parcel Of Rogues"
3 comentarios
Man, this is awful.
This is awesome! I think you're close, I believe some of the final C's are actually Am to get that dismal sounds, but this feels the closest I've seen.
Nice one. Is it not Such a parcel of rogues?