While You Were Gone Ukulele

por The Head and the Heart
254 vistas, añadido a favoritos 5 veces
Dificultad: principiante
Afinación: G C E A
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor Unregistered. Última edición el 11 feb 2014




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C, F, E, Am
While you were gone
the phone still rang
the bus still came
and everything 
remained the same
while you were gone
while you were gone
i washed my face
i rearranged my books and things
just for a change
while you were gone
(F)                             (Am)
you tried to hide yourself away
you tried to hide yourself away
you tried to hide yourself away
                (E)     (Am)
but no one came
while you were gone
sleeping at his place
kissing his face
blood in his veins
pumping for a change
while you were gone
(F)                             (Am)
you tried to hide yourself away
you tried to hide yourself away
you tried to hide yourself away
but no one came
under blankets and under beds
all the boys and girls with their troubled heads
        (Am)                                            (E)
and the fairy tales that your mama preaches but ohhhh
under blankets and under beds
all the boys and girls with their troubled heads
and the fairy tales that your mama preaches but ohhhh
(E) (Am)
But Ooooooooooooh
But Ooooooooooooh
But Ooooooooooooh
But Ooooooooooooh
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While You Were Gone – The Head and the Heart
How to play
"While You Were Gone"