Hope Is A Dangerous Little Thing Acordes

por The Menzingers
2389 vistas, añadido a favoritos 248 veces
Dificultad: principiante
Afinación: E A D G B E
Tonalidad: A
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor ChxrlotteXO [a] 18.374. Última edición el 20 oct 2024




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A | A | A | A |
[Verse 1]
F#m           A
I’m afraid I love someone
  D                 E
Who’s in love with someone else
    F#m                  A
For years, I’ve kept it to myself
    D              E
Pretending we are picture perfect
[Verse 2]
      F#m             A
But I barely got my shit together
  D             E
Cracking under little pressure
F#m             A
I’m afraid I’m not the one
    D                E
The one you want is someone else
D | D | D | D |
            A                                      E
They say, "Hope is a dangerous, dangerous little thing
         Bm              A
To keep finding out the hard way
        E             D
What tomorrow never brings"
            A                                      E
They say, "Hope is a dangerous, dangerous little thing
         Bm              A
To keep finding out the hard way
        E             A
What tomorrow never brings"
Never brings
[Verse 3]
  F#m                  A
I passed a restaurant burned to the ground
       D                   E
And a dollar store with a burned out “A”
  F#m                   A
I laughed thinking that I relate
         D                    E
I’m the junk you buy, then throw away
[Verse 4]
F#m                   A
Hide the bloodshot, close my eyes
        D              E
So the cover won’t be compromised
F#m             A
I’m afraid I’m not the one
    D                E
The one you want is someone else
            A                                      E
They say, "Hope is a dangerous, dangerous little thing
         Bm              A
To keep finding out the hard way
        E             D
What tomorrow never brings"
            A                                      E
They say, "Hope is a dangerous, dangerous little thing
         Bm              A
To keep finding out the hard way
        E             A
What tomorrow never brings"
Never brings
D                A    D             A   D        A           E
    Sometimes I wanna   blow up my life   and become someone else
    F#m        (D)
    Yeah, hey-yeah
D                A    D             A   D        A           E
    Sometimes I wanna   blow up my life   and become someone else
    F#m        (D)
    Yeah, hey-yeah
D                A    D             A   D        A           E
    Sometimes I wanna   blow up my life   and become someone else
    F#m                  (D)
    Yeah, hey-yeah, hey-yeah
D                A    D             A   D        A           E
    Sometimes I wanna   blow up my life   and become someone else
    F#m        (D)
    Yeah, hey-yeah
            A                                      E
They say, "Hope is a dangerous, dangerous little thing
         Bm              A
To keep finding out the hard way
        E             D
What tomorrow never brings"
            A                                      E
They say, "Hope is a dangerous, dangerous little thing
         Bm              A
To keep finding out the hard way
        E             A
What tomorrow never brings"
They say, "Hope is a dangerous, dangerous little thing
To keep finding out the hard way
What tomorrow never brings"
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Hope Is A Dangerous Little Thing – The Menzingers
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"Hope Is A Dangerous Littl…"
1 comentario
Nice! I have one pending review. It's the same but with the capo on 2. That's how Greg played it live.