Sun Hotel Pt 2 Acordes

por The Menzingers
8111 vistas, añadido a favoritos 139 veces
Dificultad: intermedio
Cejilla: Traste 5
Autor Mean Mr Mustard [a] 6204. Última edición el 22 oct 2014




Aún no existe un patrón de rasgueo para esta canción. Crear y obtén +5 IQ
This is Sun Hotel pt 2, the version that appears on On the Possible Past, and is arguably better than the
version on the LP.
It's capo on 5 in standard tuning (or capo 6 in half-step down)
It's pretty easy, you just have to get the voicings right. Gadd11 is a normal G with the 1st fret of the
B string played. The regular Gs have the 3rd fret of the B string played, and G* has the B string open.
For each F, leave out the low E string. C/B is just C with A string on the 2nd fret, the D string open.
For the instrumental parts (C-C-Am-G), alternate between the open high e string, and the 3rd fret of the
e string for the C and Am. The G is just normal. I hope I explained that well, because I'm pretty sure of
this tabs accuracy. Enjoy.
    C          C/B         Am    F
I remember you well at the Sun Hotel
           C       Gadd11          Am
Next to Fernando's Corner Store Grocery
           C       C/B             Am              F
Behind the factory spoils where no souls should be found
   F               (F)          G
We kept our voices low from the city
  Am           Gadd11         C               F
I played you a song about the town that I was from
                  F                         G
While Dan played "Casey" while sipping on a Mickey's
   Am          Gadd11       C            F
We drank to forget that our lives were a wreck
              F                         G
That's when I realized you were the only pretty thing left
C    (C)    Am     G        x2
  C            C/B         Am    F
I remember you well at the Sun Hotel
              C               Gadd11              Am
Where we were famous, and our hearts were fucking legends
        C       C/B                  Am             F
And you told me again,"Greg I prefer more handsomer men, 
        F                            Gadd11    G*
but for you tonight I will make an exception."
         Am             Gadd11          C                 F
You were clenching your fists, you were biting your upper lip
            F                             G
I watched a thousand tiny goosebumps gain territory of your skin
        Am               Gadd11       C            F
And for whatever this is worth, I was happy, I was sure of everything
C    (C)    Am     G
    Am       F
But you got away
C               F
Yeah didn't you babe?
C                                 F                Am
But you got away and I never once heard you say "I need you."
             Em              Am
Well I don't need you, God I need you
             Em              Am
Well I don't need you, God I need you
             Em              F
Well I don't need you, God I need you
I don't need you I don't need you I don't need you
C    (C)    Am     G      x2
        C       C/B            Am            F
I don't mean to suggest that I loved you the best
            C       C/B            Am               F
No, I don't mean to suggest that I loved you the best
        C       C/B            Am            F
I don't mean to suggest that I loved you the best
That's it, That's it
I don't even think of you that often. 
Ayudando a UG haces un mundo mejor... y ganas CI
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Sun Hotel Pt 2 – The Menzingers
How to play
"Sun Hotel Pt 2"