Mean To Me Acordes

por Tonic
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Dificultad: principiante
Cejilla: Traste 1
Autor Oasis4U2NV [pro] 1016. Última edición el 13 feb 2014




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                           "Mean To Me" by Tonic
                            From the album "Sugar"
Tabbed by: Aaron Field
Everything played with Capo on the 1st Fret
Chords used:
   Am   G    C  Fmaj7 Cadd9
Riff:  Played with Capo on 1st fret
Listen to the CD for strumming patterns.
Verse 1:
           Am            G                   C
There's an empty place inside that is hurting me
  Am                                    Fmaj7
A place that keeps my heart out on it's own
  Fmaj7                       Am
A disconnected function of my wretchedness
              G               Cadd9  G
That keeps me so hard pressed
Verse 2:
       Am                    G               C
It's a place where words are spoken you will never hear
  Am                                     Fmaj7
A broken bridge of lines that just won't come
   Fmaj7                                  Am
An empty lung that won't give the wind to speak at me
               G       Fmaj7  [riff]
How far can it be from home
Chorus 1:
C                    Am          Fmaj7
 Why you gotta be so mean to me
C                                   Am          [riff]
 Why you gotta drag me down just to make me see
C                                     Am             Fmaj7
 You know I don't listen good and I'm always in need
C                    Am         G
 Why you gotta be so mean to me
Verse 3:
       Am                G               C
Do you think that it got up and left for good this time
  Am                                 Fmaj7
A crowd of faceless strangers moving on
  Fmaj7                          Am
A feeling that you left it all behind you now
                G                Fmaj7 [riff]
That it doesn't hurt somehow to know
Chorus 2:
C                    Am          Fmaj7
 Why you gotta be so mean to me
C                                   Am          [riff]
 Why you gotta drag me down just to make me see
C                                     Am             Fmaj7
 You know I don't listen good and I'm always in need
C                    Am        G         Fmaj7 [riff]
 Why you gotta be so mean to me      Yeah heah heah
Solo (same chords and riff as chorus)
Verse 4:
   Am          G                  C
So open up the book that you keep deep inside
Am                          Fmaj7
Let the pages yellow in the sun
 Fmaj7                              Am
Show them that you're not afraid to let them see
        G                Fmaj7 [riff]
How far you can be from home
C                    Am          Fmaj7
 Why you gotta be so mean to me
C                                   Am          [riff]
 Why you gotta drag me down just to make me see
C                                     Am             Fmaj7
 You know I don't listen good and I'm always in need
C                            Am        [riff]
 Why you gotta be so fuckin' mean to me
C                            Am     [riff]
Why you gotta be, why you gotta be
C                            Am     [riff]
Why you gotta be, why you gotta be
C                            Am     [riff]
Why you gotta be, why you gotta be
C                   Am         [riff]
Why you gotta be so mean to me
Ayudando a UG haces un mundo mejor... y ganas CI
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Mean To Me – Tonic
How to play
"Mean To Me"
1 comentario
This is correct, but Tonic does not use a capo, to get the right sound you have to play without a capo so everythin is down a whole step I believe