Torn Between Scylla And Charybdis Guitar Pro

por Trivium
35.727 vistas, añadido a favoritos 103 veces
Afinación: E A D G B E
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Formato de archivo: gp4
Tamaño del archivo: 36.8 kb
Instrumentos: rhythm guitars, lead guitars, bass and percussion
Autor 169290 1510. Última edición el 18 feb 2014


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6 comentarios
I look forward to the full version :P
Not Bad, heres a correction for you In the part that says not perfect - bar 30 it should be this: D|-------4--|-------2-- A|----2-5---|----1-5--- E|---5------|---5------ B|0-3-------|0-2------- And the extended version of that is(Bar 50-51): D|-------4-5-4-2------ |-------2-4-2-0------ A|----2-5-------5-4-2- |----1-5-------4-2-1- E|---5---------------- |---5---------------- B|0-3----------------- |0-2-----------------
why post an incomplete tab?