If My Dick Is Up Why Am I Down Acordes

por Wheeler Walker Jr.
2821 vistas, añadido a favoritos 296 veces
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Dificultad: principiante absoluto
Afinación: E A D G B E
Cejilla: sin cejilla
Autor clawmaster20 [a] 111. Última edición el 2 jul 2018




Aún no existe un patrón de rasgueo para esta canción. Crear y obtén +5 IQ
Studio Version is in standard but live he does it a half step down like in the your moms house podcast version
but the chords are the same either way just a different key
[Verse One]
G                           C
Girls I used to jack off to when I skipped a class
G                           D
Are now hitting me up for a backstage pass
G                           C
All the ladies get wet when I roll into town
G                                D        G
So if my dick is up tell me then why am i down?
C                                               G         C
Tugging me, fucking me, sucking my dick till my balls run dry
C                                             D       C
Women I never met whipping their tits out so why am I crying
G                                    C
Girls Finger their pussies when they hear I'm around
G                              D        G
Well if my dick is up, tell me why am i down?
[Verse Two]
G                                      C
Meet girl at the show and I hand her a pick
      G                                    D
But before we shake hands she starts sucking my dick
G                            C
Swallows my nut while I stare at the ground
G                          D         G
So if my dick is up tell me why am i down?
C                                                G        C
Beating me, beating me, fucking me raw till my dick gets sore
C                                                        D                C
One girl is leaving, there is two more outside that just walk through the door
G                                  C
Now I have learned to eat pussy whilse I'm wearing a frown
G                             D       G
So if my dick is up tell me why am I down?
[Verse Three]
C                                                   G         C
Licking me, sticking my dick in your puss till the sun comes up
C                                           D            C
Ladies I never met sending me texts saying they wanna fuck
G                                   C
Girls suck on my nuts while they're reaching around
G                           D          G
So if my dick is up tell me why am I down?
C        G
Why am I down?
If you appreciate this please subscribe to me on youtube, my channel name is Slippery Dad I also have a cover
of this song up on there
Theres one chord he sometimes plays in between some of the verses but i couldnt figure it out at least not
with the amount of effort I was willing to put into this but is anyone knows it just tell me and I'll add it
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If My Dick Is Up Why Am I Down – Wheeler Walker Jr.
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"If My Dick Is Up Why Am I…"